Adriaan Goede Egg facility

  • Location
    Landsmeer (Amsterdam)
  • Number of eggs per day
    3 million
  • Automation system
    Siemens S7 300 + Citect SCADA
  • Number of valves

Adriaan Goede Egg facility

Three million eggs a day pass through at Adriaan Goede. The company specializes in the manufacturing and supply of dried egg products. Adriaan Goede recently opened a new production line for the extraction of lysozyme from protein. Industrial Services was responsible for the engineering, instrumentation, control of the PLC, the control system in the control cabinet, the cabinet with all electrical components, and finally all the piping of the tanks.

Mathies Verplak

Sales Manager Noord West

+31 (0) 970 0503 4694

Services we used for this project

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